Wendi's DNP Study

Please ensure you have clicked next to take second part of the presurvey before watching below video.

1) Please provide us your email address to verify your record.*

1) Please provide us your email address to verify your record.*

2) Age*

2) Age*

3) Gender*

3) Gender*

4) Ethnicity*

4) Ethnicity*

5) Highest level of education*

5) Highest level of education*

6) Annual income*

6) Annual income*

7) Marital Status:*

7) Marital Status:*

8) Work Status:*

8) Work Status:*

1) Have you had any past cosmetic and/or aesthetics procedure/s:*

1) Have you had any past cosmetic and/or aesthetics procedure/s:*

2) What procedures are you scheduling this appointment for?*

2) What procedures are you scheduling this appointment for?*

3) Which one of the following explanations is the most important reason for your visit?*

3) Which one of the following explanations is the most important reason for your visit?*

4) Rate your level of treatment expectation regarding your procedure*

4) Rate your level of treatment expectation regarding your procedure*

5) Rate the role or influence your healthcare provider plays in assisting you in establishing treatment expectations?*

5) Rate the role or influence your healthcare provider plays in assisting you in establishing treatment expectations?*

6) Rate your knowledge level with the procedures you are visiting with us for. (0= no experience of procedure 10 = had this done before and can articulate the science behind it)*

6) Rate your knowledge level with the procedures you are visiting with us for. (0= no experience of procedure 10 = had this done before and can articulate the science behind it)*

Please watch this video and then scroll down to complete the post video quiz-

Post Video Questionaire

1. Please reenter email address used in above questionnaire

1. Please reenter email address used in above questionnaire

2. How many nonsurgical aesthetic procedures were performed in 2020?

2. How many nonsurgical aesthetic procedures were performed in 2020?

3. As you age, skin, fat, muscle, and bone changes will occur?

3. As you age, skin, fat, muscle, and bone changes will occur?

4. Which of the following is NOT part of the skin’s aging process?

4. Which of the following is NOT part of the skin’s aging process?

5. As we age, facial fat decreases in which areas?

5. As we age, facial fat decreases in which areas?

6. As the face loses volume, what facial muscle change will NOT occur?

6. As the face loses volume, what facial muscle change will NOT occur?

7. Which of the following is a potential positive for using a hyaluronic acid dermal filler?

7. Which of the following is a potential positive for using a hyaluronic acid dermal filler?

8. Which of the following is a potential negative from using hyaluronic acid dermal filler?

8. Which of the following is a potential negative from using hyaluronic acid dermal filler?

9. Which of the following is a potential positive from using a collagen stimulating dermal filler?

9. Which of the following is a potential positive from using a collagen stimulating dermal filler?

10. Which of the following is a potential negative from using a collagen stimulating dermal filler?

10. Which of the following is a potential negative from using a collagen stimulating dermal filler?

11. How much dermal filler product is in one syringe?

11. How much dermal filler product is in one syringe?

12. Neuromodulators like Botox are used for?

12. Neuromodulators like Botox are used for?

13. PDO Threads are used for?

13. PDO Threads are used for?